Communication. Science. Regulation


Portál CEE-NET je provozován společností CSR Gate s.r.o.

Sídlo: HUB Praha, Drtinova 557/10, 150 00, Praha 5 – Smíchov, IČ: 28446151, DIČ: CZ28446151
Poštovní adresa: Benešovská 24, 101 00, Praha 10
Klientský servis: Jana Adámková, vedoucí  kanceláře, tel.: (+420) 773 450 779, Jana.Adamkova@cee-net.net, info@cee-net.net

Společnost CSR Gate, s.r.o. je zapsána u Městského soudu v Praze pod značkou  C 142065.


Přímé spojení:

  • Ladislav Červenka, Ladislav.Cervenka@cee-net.net
  • Marin Velčev, Marin.Velcev@cee-net.net
  • Ivan Krejčí, Ivan.Krejci@cee-net.net
  1. (nutné)
  2. (nutné)
  3. (nutné)

06.11.Sugar policy shake-up to squeeze cane producing countries

The Fairtrade Foundation has urged food companies and retailers to choose Fairtrade sugar, amid concerns that a sugar price slump and CAP reforms could push thousands of workers into poverty. Source: Food Navigator, 31.10.2014.

04.11.HealthBread plans association to commercialize concepts

The EU HealthBread project wants to form an association by the end of the year to drive commercialization of its healthy bread technologies and concepts across Europe. Source: Food Navigator, 24.10.2014.

31.10.What constitutes responsible investment in the food sector?

Global governments and the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) have agreed a set of principles to guide agricultural and food system investments. Source: Food Navigator, 20.10.2014, http://www.foodnavigator.com/Legislation/What-constitutes-responsible-investment-in-the-food-sector

27.10.€75M sustainable food fund to reward first-mover food firms

Independent Dutch private equity firm Pulsar Network Capital has launched a €75 million fund targeted at healthy and sustainable food companies. Source: Food Navigator, 15.10.2014.